What's In Season

These are our recommended plants this month

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Abutilon Golden Queen

Abutilon Golden Queen Gordon Collier - England. Com...


Abutilon h. Boule de Neige

Chinese Lantern Upright growing shrub for a su...


Abutilon Imp

Abutilon Imp Dainty Yellow flowers contrast...


Abutilon Nabob

Abutilon Nabob Deep black/red flowers in summ...


Acer p. Dis. Emerald Lace

Acer p. Dis. Emerald Lace New and improved Viridis. Brig...


Acer palmatum Senkaki (Patio)

Acer palmatum Senkaki (Patio) Magnicicent orange autumn colo...


Acer saccharum

Sugar Maple Hardy tree for any garden. Gre...


Acradenia frankliniae

Acradenia frankliniae A small evergreen Tasmanian sh...


Agapanthus Val

Agapanthus Val Dense heads of deep blue flowe...


Alnus x spaethii



Aruncus aethusifolius

Dwarf Goat's Beard This dwarf form is great for t...


Aruncus dioicus kamtschaticus

Goatsbeard White plumes of flowers in sum...



Astilbe Hardy perennial for a damp woo...


Austroderia richardii (Cortaderia richardii)

Kakaho - Toe Toe Feather-like flowers November ...


Azalea Pavlova

Blue Mountain Double Azalea Scented double white flowers o...


Azalea Raspberry Ripple

Azalea Raspberry Ripple Bright strawberry pink flowers...


Bergenia Wanaka Snow

Bergenia Wanaka Snow Hardy ground cover plant with ...


Betula ermanii Polar

Silver Birch Pearly white trunks form a sle...


Betula utilis jacquemontii

Himalayan Birch Beautiful white peeling bark a...


Brunnera macrophylla

Brunnera macrophylla Clumps of green leaves. Blue F...


Buddleja Lochinch

Butterfly Bush Foliage silvery grey when youn...


Buxus microphylla var koreana

Korean Box A dwarf variety differing in i...


Buxus sempervirens Notata

Hedging Box This is the main form planted ...


Buxus sempervirens Suffruticosa

Edging Box Dense mass of small dark green...


Campanula glomerata Blue

Campanula glomerata Blue Deep blue flowers cover this c...


Campanula rot. Thumbell Blue

Campanula rot. Thumbell Blue Compact violet blue bell like ...


Carpodetus serratus

Marble Leaf Dark green leaves with light m...


Cedrus atlantica glauca

Blue Cedar The conspicuous blue needles m...


Cedrus deodara Aurea

Golden Himalayan Cedar One of the best golden trees f...


Cornus alba Sibirica

Red Stemmed Dogwood Very hardy, bushy shrub with b...


Cornus Greenvale

C. capitata x C. kousa chinensis A vigorous tree with large cre...


Cornus Greenvale

C. capitata x C. kousa chinensis A vigorous tree with large cre...
