What's In Season

These are our recommended plants this month

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Cornus kousa chinensis

Chinese Rima Dogwood A great small tree for souther...


Cornus stolonifera Flaviramea

Yellow Stemmed Dogwood Very hardy shrub for all soils...


Corokia virgata Frosted Chocolate

Corokia virgata Frosted Chocolate Plant in a warm sunny garden ...


Cortaderia toitoi

Cortaderia toitoi Largest endemic grass found in...


Cupressocyparis l. Leighton's Green

Cupressocyparis l. Leighton's Green A vigorous tree of dense habit...


Drimys winteri

Winter's Bark A handsome large shrub or smal...


Elaeagnus x ebbingei

Elaeagnus x ebbingei Hardy fast growing upright shr...


Elaeagnus x ebbingei

Elaeagnus x ebbingei Hardy fast growing upright shr...


Eucryphia lucida Carousel

Leatherwood Larger pink flowers with crims...


Francoa app Flower Girl 16/18/16

Francoa app Flower Girl 16/18/16 New dwarf selection with very ...


Francoa app Starry Eyes 16/18/13

Francoa app Starry Eyes New selection with a deep pink...


Francoa app White Bouquet 111302

Bridal flower Large evergreen perennial with...


Gaultheria mucronata Davis White

Snow Berry Large white berries in autumn....


Gaultheria mucronata Rubies 'n' Pearls

Pernettya Blue Mt seedling with lovely b...


Grevillea Marie's Flame

Grevillea Marie's Flame Seedling No 2


Griselinia littoralis Canterbury

Native Broadleaf Shiny smaller pointed green, a...


Gypsophila Bristol Fairy

Babies breath Highly sought after cut flower...


Heuchera Black Taffeta

Heuchera Black Taffeta Silky dark foliage makes this ...


Heuchera Lime Marmalade

Heuchera Lime Marmalade Clear lime green leaves, great...


Hydrangea arborescens Annabell

Hydrangea arborescens Annabell White heads of flowers in late...


Hydrangea paniculata Kyushu

Hydrangea paniculata Kyushu Dainty, long panicles of cream...


Hydrangea paniculata Limelight

Hydrangea paniculata Limelight Large, conical flower heads of...


Juglans regia

Walnut Slow growing nut tree. Seed ra...


Laurus nobilis

Bay Laurel or Sweet bay Aromatic foliage used in cooki...


Leucothoe fontanesiana Crimson Globe

Leucothoe fontanesiana Crimson Globe Beetroot red to bronze winter ...


Ligularia dentata Midnight Lady

Elephant Ears Dark bronze foliage makes a gr...


Lobelia siphilitica Blue

Lobelia siphilitica Blue Blue flowers in long spikes in...


Lobelia starship Scarlet Bronze Leaf

Lobelia starship Scarlet Bronze Leaf Cardinal red flower spikes and...


Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Dawn Redwood Vigorous conifer. Give some sh...


Metrosideros diffusa Crystal Showers

Metrosideros diffusa Crystal Showers Cream and green variegated fol...


Michelia yunnanense (syn. Magnolia yunnanense)

Michelia yunnanense (syn. Magnolia yunnanense) A choice evergreen bushy tree ...


Myrtus Kathryn

(Lophomyrtus) NZ native shrub with oval leav...
